
SunMark Nicotine Polacrilex Gum - 110 pieces, 4 MG - MINT Favor - Stop Smoking Aid



  • Reduces withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine and food craving, associated with quitting smoking
  • Can actually help reduce weight gain while you quit
  • Intense Minty flavor coating
  • Doubles your chance of quitting, even if you've tried before
  • This package contains 110 pieces. Best Value!

Details: Product Description SunMark Nicotine Gum is a stop smoking aid. Use this product if you smoke 25 or more cigarettes a day. This gum reduces withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine craving associated with quitting smoking. Active ingredient: Nicotine polacrilex, 4 mg (nicotine). This package contains 110 pieces. Read all directions before use. Compare this product to Nicorette Gum.