
Cosrich Thomas & Friends Bye-bye Boo-boo Therapeutic Ice Pack For Pain & Fever Relief (Pack of 2)



  • Ice Pack for minor bumps & bruises
  • Removable freezer-safe cold pack included
  • Place on bruised area
  • Helps reduce fever symptoms
  • Helps make boo-boos all better

Details: For cold therapy: Use as fever compress and for minor bumps, bruises, scrapes, headaches, toothaches, minor burns, insect bites, muscle aches, strains and sprains. Store the gel pack inside of the character in the freezer (for at least two hours) so it's ready for emergency care. If the skin is broken, clean and bandage the injured area. To reduce swelling, elevate the injured area and apply THOMAS satin side to the injury. Apply no longer than 20 minutes, alternate 20 minutes on with 20 minutes off the injury. To help reduce fever symptioms, lay THOMAS satin side across the forehead or at the back of the neck. (Use along with doctor's prescribed care.)

Brand: Cosrich